Thursday, January 31, 2013

If Only I Could Hate You Ep 1

If Only I Could Hate You Episode 1
I would like to note that this story was inspired and written along side a Japanese Mange: Itzura Na Kiss, which was also remade into a Japanese Drama, Korean Drama, and Taiwanese Drama and Japanese Anime .
This is sorta fan-fiction only slightly different as the story line is a bit different and so is the characters. However the main premise is based from this Manga and Drama that I absolutely love! Feel free to watch the all of three of the dramas  on DramaFever or Viki to compare :)

Irena Anore was busy this morning working on her latest fashion design. The design had snuck up on her while she was asleep, and she was up before daybreak to get it all out. She had hardly even heard her father come into the room, because of her deep concentration.
"Up early again?" Tansin asked, when she didn't notice him.
"Sorry, dad let me get this collar first." Irena said, penciling in the last details.
"You have to get ready for school." He told his daughter.

"Done!" she said jumping up out of her chair.
"Hey, don't I get a hug first?" He spread out his arms.
"Of course." She smiled and walked into his warm chest.
Her dad was the only family she had left. Her mother had left when she was little. Her dad was a retired agent, but while he was still on the job, her mother was unhappy with him being gone all the time. A few years after Irena was born, she left. Irena doesn't have any memory of her at all.

"Good morning Galaxy!" Irena smiled at her poster.

She was the president of their fan club. She went to every concert near by, was the first to watch every new music video, and she could answer just about every question there is to know about them.
Some would call her obsessed, but she just defined it as securing her future as she had also hoped to one day become a designer for some of the biggest pop artists.

Irena took another glance in the mirror before she decided that her look was perfected enough. She may not have been the prettiest girl in school, but she had a cuteness factor about her that was hers entirely. And while she could afford designer clothes, she typically preferred her own designs.

Irena's phone started to go off.

She answered it quickly knowing it was going to be her best friend, Dakota.
"Hey are you outside?" Irena asked.
"Yeah, waiting on you." Dakota replied. "I'm assuming you are wearing an Irena original?"
"Of course." Irena replied before hanging up.

"Wow, you do look pretty today." Dakota said once they met outside.
"I have to." Irena smiled.
"That's right, today you are going to make your move." Dakota punched her playfully in the arm.
"Don't make me nervous!" Irena retreated.
"It's the last day of Junior year. The worst that could happen is he says no, and you have the whole summer to get over it."
"But that is the thing. He can say no."
"And then you have a whole summer to get over the crush you have had since grade school."
Irena blushed, but remained quiet for the remainder of the walk to school. She had never imagined that she would confess her love today of all days, but she knew if she didn't do it now, she never would. Besides, Dakota was right. The worst he could do is say no. But even that caused the knot in her stomach to tighten so much that it made breathing hard.

While they waited for their teacher to come in, Irena and Dakota discussed the upcoming Galaxy Album.
"I heard, the cover all the boys have blue hair." Irena giggled.
"Where did you hear that? They have not even done a cover reveal?" Dakota asked.
"Because I have inside connections." Irena smiled. "We will know soon enough next week. My connection even said that the reveal will be next week."
"Oh! I bet they will look so hot with blue hair!" Dakota fanned herself.
"I know!" Irena squeeled.
"Don't look now, but Professor Hot is walking in." Dakota said with a whisper.

His name wasn't really Professor Hot. His name was Dave Holt. Mr. Holt to the students. He was the math teacher, but it's doubtful that the girls even paid any attention to the math, even if their eyes were always locked on him.

Meanwhile, Micah Dastin, was slightly eaves dropping on the two girls.
Do they have to be so loud about their infatuations with men He asked himself, with a groan.

Micah was the most fantasized boy at the school. Not only was he the top of the class, he also was a great athlete, public speaker, and  anything else imagined. He wasn't just good, he was awesome at everything he did. A rumor had went around that he was a genius and perhaps the smartest in all of the Sunnyville.

Micah, though, had never went steady with any girl. Not even a single rumor had arisen about his romantic life. It's not that there wasn't any girls who tried. There were plenty of those. He just never paid any attention to them. Any girl who tried was shot down, most never even spoken to.

"Are you nervous about break?" Dakota asked her bestie, who couldn't seem to quit tapping her pencil on the desk.
"Don't ask me about it! If I think about it, I'll get more nervous.." Irena huffed.
"Even if Micah has turned down plenty of other girls,  that doesn't mean he will turn you down."
"Why did you have to remind me of the fact that he never says yes!" Irena hissed.
"Ooops. Well, you never know."

"Don't sweat it girl. I'll be with you the whole time." Dakota reassured her.
"Yeah, but I think I am going to write him a letter. I think it will be better than trying to do it to his face, I'll throw up--probably on his face!"
"Yeah, but isn't that kind of middle school-ish." Dakota asked.
"Well, I figured I can do it in an original type of way."
"How's that?" Dakota asked.
"Well, we are taking French. And French is kinda sexy. So what if I wrote the letter in French." Irena revealed her plan.
"Yeah, but like with all your other classes, you don't pay attention and you suck." Dakota pointed out.
"Oh, I dunno. I'll use an online translator." Irena smiled.
"Nice! Maybe because you are original with it, you will be the first girl who gets a yes!"
They both giggled quietly to themselves.

Carma, the schools redheaded cheerleading captain, and Jenna, her right hand,, had both heard the girls giggling about Irena's crush on Micah.

"Ha! She shouldn't get her hopes up too much." Carma said to Jenna.
"Yeah, if he wouldn't date you, then I doubt he would date her." Jenna narrowed her eyes.
"Every other girl has asked him out, and he said no. She won't be any different."

During break, Irena walked up to Micah and his group of friends.

She shuffled her feet nervously. She pulled out the letter that she had translated in French.

"Looks like you have a love letter," Nathan, leaning on a light post, taunted Micah.
Micah leaned forward.
"You have something to say?" He asked Irena.

A large lump had formed in Irena's throat. She didn't know if she could say anything. Her letter said it all.
Her hands shook as she handed him the letter. Still, she never said a word. She gave him a quick smile before walking downstairs.

Perhaps he would see the beauty in my effort. Irena thought to herself.

"See it wasn't that bad." Dakota supported Irena.
"I choked up!" Irena flushed.
"yeah, but now he has the letter." Dakota smiled.

"Yeah, and now he has the letter." Irena's stomach fluttered when she thought about it.
"Well, because it has happened so much in the past. If he isn't interested, he will just act like it  never happened. So you don't have to worry too much. It's not a complete rejection."
"Yeah thanks." Irena tried to calm her nerves.
The rest of the school day was going to drive her crazy and she was sure that quiver of her hands would not ease up until she had left the school.

However, it was during lunch when Irena was confronted by Micah.

Irena's eyes widened. Micah never approached a girl who gave him a letter. He just ignored it. Was he really interested in her? Her heart thrashed against her chest and she didn't know whether she should stand or remain seated.

The whole room had fell silent as Micah approached Irena.
That was when the whispering started. No one knew what Micah was about to tell Irena. She was the first to ever get a reply to a letter. But once Micah opened his mouth, the room fell silence so all the school could witness the first of many to come.

"First, I want to commend you for trying to be original." Micah said, and a smile started to form on Irena's lips. "But, if you are going to be original at least do it right."
Her smile faded and something sank within her heart. Still she said nothing.
"Your too shy to talk to me, so how do you think a relationship like that will go? Then you give me a letter written in French Faites attention en classe de français. Puis, vous pouvez écrire une lettre mieux Seems to me like boys shouldn't be your main priority right now."
Then he walked out of the lunchroom. He could have just ignored the letter. He could have just ignored her for the rest high school. Instead he humiliated her in front of everyone.
Irena was left shocked by his hurtful words. Tears started to sting her eyes, but she refused to cry here in front of everyone.

After he left, the class started to crack up. This was the most interesting thing that had happened all year. Carma and Jenna had already texted everyone in Sunnyville High about the incident.

Irena would be the talk of the summer.

The tears she had been holding back had finally sqeezed their way through Irena's eyes. Still she wanted no one to see her cry. Irena took off running out of the lunchroom. Dakota didn't know whether to chase after her or not. She was still in shock over what had happened. How could he have humiliated her like that?

Dakota finally decided it was time to go find Irena.

Dakota found Irena in the class room. Wet tears staining her cheek. Irena quickly wiped them away.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to cry," she said.
"No, don't be sorry. That jerk should be sorry." Dakota replied.
"He is a jerk isn't he?" Irena said with a smile.
"Major." Dakota helped her friend off the floor.
"From now on, he is the enemy." Irena said and they laughed together.

It was late into the summer. There was only a week before school would start back. Already, Irena had forgotten about the Micah incident at school. She was just hoping that everyone else had too.
"So are you ready for the concert next month?" Dakota asked Irena.
"Is that even a question? I have the tickets already with pretty decent seating. I have decided which Galaxy T I want to wear there. At least until I buy one from the concert. I have even an inside source telling me which hotel the band decides to board at."
"Only you." Dakota laughed.
"That is why I am president."
Irena heard her dad call her from downstairs.
"I'll be right back." She said getting up.

"Honey, have a seat." he told his daughter.
"Yeah, did I do something wrong?" She thought she had been good all summer. During the school year he was always upset with her school work. He wanted her to succeed and go to college. But she never did anything wrong outside of her grades, so she was surprised when he asked to have a talk with her.
"No you didn't do anything wrong."
"Well you sound like you are trying to either scold me or tell me bad news.... what is the bad news?"

"Well, you know I have been retired for a while now." Tansin started
A confused look had settled on her face, but was soon replaced with clarity once she understood where the conversation was heading.
"Well, they need me to go on a job."
"Why?" Irena asked.
"Because, it is an old case that I had worked on in the past."
"How long?"
"8 months."
"But, that is my entire senior year?"
"i know. I am hoping I'll be back before your graduation. But I will be there."
"When are you leaving?"
"Well, that is the thing. I am leaving next week. I don't want you here at the house alone. So I have a family friend coming to stay with you. They will stay in the guest section of the house."
"Dad, I don't need a babysitter."
"I don't want you here alone. Plus, it is also doing him a favor. His wife kicked him and his son out of the house so I offered them to stay with us until they get other living arrangements."
"So I have to stay with a guy and his son that I don't even know?"
"Don't say it like that. He was a close friend of mine in high school. But after college we lost contact. It wasn't until last week when I ran into him at the grocery store that I knew he was living here in Sunnyville."
"Fine, but you don't know his son." I pointed out.
"Well, you do know the son. He goes to your school. He is even in your class."
"Who?" I asked.
"I can't remember his name. Milo or something."
"I don't know a Milo."

"Well, I invited them over for dinner. I thought you should get acquainted before they moved in."
"When will they be here?"
They both hear the door bell.
"Now." Tansin says standing up.

They both went to the door to greet the new guests.
Irena watched as a figure shuffled around outside the door. She noticed something familiar about his figure.
A lump formed in her throat, it couldn't be.

Tansin opened the door, but as he did Irena's face turned pale and her knees suddenly felt as if she had ran for hours straight.

This can not be happening to me, she thought to herself.

"Hey there Tansin." the man greeted Irena's father.
"Hey, meet my daughter, Irena." Tansin put his hand on Irena's shoulder.
The man extended his hand. "Nice to meet you Irena, I'm Lee Dastin. And you should know my son, Micah."

End of Episode 1.
I want to give thanks to Dj, for making sure my french was correct. I also want to give thanks to Jaz because the sim used as Irena have the facial features that she created for a sim version of myself.


  1. I'm intrigued. But also; that dad must trust this friend ALOT, like seriously ALOT

    Nice chapter all in all, I liked it.


  2. Micah was kind of brutal. He didn't have to be that major of an ass. I guess family issues at home made him into a dick, but really....

    Hopefully he will at least apologize.

    And his mom kicked him and the dad out??? Her mom left her behind??? What the hell kind of mothers are these?

  3. I was raised by a single father, most people don't realize that moms walk out on families just like dads do but they do. It's just that people don't want to believe that a mother would do that, it's easier to think of the fathers in that way.
    Not trying to be rude or anything. Please don't take it that way.

  4. I'm glad you enjoyed it. As for Lee, Tansin trusts Lee a lot. They have a history together that just has not been revealed yet, :)

  5. Yeah, Micah was really harsh. It may or may not have something to do with his family... but best bet- it does.

    As far as the mothers, yeah they are not the best. Irena's mother just could not handle the pressure of being left alone with a toddler and took the easy way out. As far as Lee's wife.... well lets just say there is a lot more to that story... in fact it will be revealed soon :)

  6. Poor Irena, having gone through all of that humiliation at school,getting over it over the summer then finding out the guy that mde her want to crawl under a rock is the son of the man 'baby sitting' her until her father gets done with his case is nuts!

    Poor girl, i don't see this going great for her, at least at first=/....edenz~

  7. Thank you for reading! Irena is very embarrassed right now, and the last thing she wants to do is live with the guy who humiliated her. HS is hard enough without jerk boys.

  8. Interesting the poor girl is going to have to share her house with the guy who humiliated to read some more.

  9. I got the idea from a Korean Drama. I loved it so much I had to write my own with my own twists :P Glad you enjoyed it!

  10. The subject line is important. Yay to me for that! Anyway...

    I was thrilled to see that you based this off of a Korean drama. Not because I'm Korean, but because I was thinking of doing something similar - the series I had in mind was either Full House or Fated to Love You.

    I haven't actually seen the series, but hey... seems interesting. :)

    This is unique. I haven't seen many (or any) sim stories that did something like this.

  11. I love both of those kdramas so I would enjoy reading those if you did!

    Yeah sorry, livejournal doesn't have a good way to show episode lists. I have a blogger to that links to my live journal posts and shows them in order. It's Eventually if I ever get the time I may make a full move, but that would take too much time ATM.

    I'm not Korean either, btw ;)
